Aqua Public Relations provides professional services to corporate, small and family-owned and family-operated fresh produce, agricultural, and horticultural businesses.

Corporate relations

We help businesses maintain positive relationships with industry, customers and consumers. We develop and improve a company’s image and reputation and grow its brand profile through communications.

Community relations

We represent businesses favourably in the communities in which they operate. We nurture relationships with key stakeholders to promote products, services and company ideals.

Employee relations

We help businesses foster a positive company culture, communicate company goals and reiterate values. We develop written and visual materials for internal distribution.

Media relations

We produce customised, accurate, newsworthy media releases. We respect deadlines, write to style, and provide images for easy download. We negotiate and secure coverage, arrange briefings, and prepare clients for interview. We maintain an extensive database of media and industry contacts.

Web management

We partner web developers to produce corporate websites, project managing the development of a site from content-gathering, creation, to ongoing management after go live. We have experience with proprietary and open-source content management systems.

Social media

We have experience across multiple social media platforms. We develop strategies to suit business objectives, develop editorial and advertising content, manage and moderate accounts.

Brand development

We collaborate with creative design agencies on brand development and redevelopment including business names, logos, graphic identities, packaging, core values, mission statements and trademark registration. Our communications adhere to brand guidelines.


We develop creative, inspiring, original campaigns to capture attention and communicate key messages. From idea to implementation, we present a unifying theme across multiple platforms to a variety of audiences.


We produce capability statements, case studies, promotional brochures, event booklets, presentation materials, award nominations, tender documents and more. Our materials are strategically formatted, creatively designed and professionally written for relevant readerships. They are cost-effectively produced and delivered.


We write and issue focussed e-newsletters. We brief graphic design agencies to create templates for automated email direct marketing platforms. We ensure audience lists are maintained for currency and assess readership outcomes.


We design and manage product launches, infrastructure openings, celebrations and coordinate community event participation. We organise business’ trade show attendance and prepare stand materials including handouts, displays and video presentations.

Sponsorships and partnerships

We identify sponsorships and partnerships which increase brand visibility and boost niche positioning. We explore opportunities for cross promotions, write speeches and devise samplings.

Crisis management

We combine specialist industry and media knowledge to manage risk and reputation. We craft media responses, assess interview requests, counsel growers, and help farms prepare for visits by media, political or industry leaders.


We work with businesses to establish campaign objectives, budgets and timeframes. We negotiate with advertising representatives in Australia and New Zealand, book space and produce materials for digital, print and broadcast media.


We write blogs in multiple styles to convey personal and business insights for company, partner, industry and government websites.


Our projects extend the communications objectives of the businesses we work with, creatively reflecting corporate identities and ideals.